8 Proven Strategies for Building Links That Boost Your Law Firm's Search Engine Rankings

As a law firm, it's important to have a strong online presence in order to attract potential clients. One key factor in building a strong online presence is having a well-ranked website. One way to improve your website's ranking is by building links to and from your site. In this article, we'll provide seven proven strategies for building links that boost your law firm's search engine rankings.

1. Create high-quality content

One of the best ways to build links to your website is by creating high-quality content that is useful, informative, and valuable to readers. When you create content that is worth sharing, other websites are more likely to link to it.

Creating high-quality content is essential for building links to your website because it helps to establish your law firm as a credible and reliable source of information. When your content is useful and valuable to readers, it is more likely to be shared and linked to by other websites. This can help to improve your search engine ranking and increase the chances that your website will be found by potential clients.

Tips on how to create high-quality content:

  1. Write for your potential clients at a fifth-grade reading level.

  2. Think about your clients wants and needs when searching for your content.

  3. Keep your content up-to-date and useful.

  4. Include images of your law firm to increase credibility.

  5. Include videos of attorneys at your law firm to establish credibility, rapport, and trustworthiness.

2. Utilize social media

Social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can be valuable tools for building links to your website. Share your content on social media and engage with others in your field to build relationships and drive traffic to your site.

Reach a large audience quickly and easily

Social media is a powerful tool for building links to your website because it allows you to reach a large audience quickly and easily. When you share your content on social media, it is exposed to a wider audience and is more likely to be shared and linked to by others. Additionally, by engaging with others in your field on social media, you can build relationships and establish yourself as an expert in your field. This can help to drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine ranking.

Share your content and engage with others in your field

To effectively use social media to build links to your website, it's important to regularly share your content and engage with others in your field. This can help to increase your visibility on social media and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, you can utilize social media advertising to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your website.

3. Participate in online communities

Online communities like Reddit, forums, discussion groups, and online networks can be great places to build links to your website. Participate in these communities and share your expertise and insights to build relationships and drive traffic to your site.

Connect with others in your field and share your expertise

Online communities can be an effective way to build links to your website because they allow you to connect with others in your field and share your expertise. When you participate in online communities and share valuable insights and information, you can build relationships and establish yourself as an expert in your field. This can help to drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine ranking.

Important to be an active and engaged member

To effectively participate in online communities, it's important to be an active and engaged member. This means regularly participating in discussions, answering questions, and providing valuable insights and information. By actively participating in online communities, you can build relationships and drive traffic to your website.

4. Offer guest posts on other websites

Another effective way to build links to your website is by offering to write guest posts for other websites in your field. This can help to expose your website to a new audience and drive traffic to your site.

Share your expertise and insights with a new audience

Guest posting is an effective way to build links to your website because it allows you to share your expertise and insights with a new audience. When you write a guest post for another website, you are able to share your knowledge and insights with a wider audience and expose your website to a new group of potential clients. Additionally, when you write a guest post for another website, you are often able to include a link back to your own website, which can help to drive traffic to your site.

Offer to write high-quality, informative, and valuable content

To effectively use guest posting to build links to your website, it's important to find websites in your field that accept guest posts and offer to write high-quality, informative, and valuable content for them. By offering to write guest posts, you can expose your website to a new audience and build links to your site.

5. Utilize your existing connections

Don't be afraid to ask for links from websites you already have relationships with. These could be websites you've worked with in the past, organizations you belong to, or even personal connections.

Leverage the relationships you already have

Utilizing your existing connections can be an effective way to build links to your website because it allows you to leverage the relationships you already have. When you ask for a link from a website you have a relationship with, you are more likely to get a positive response because you already have a preexisting connection. Additionally, when you get a link from a website you have a relationship with, it can help to improve the credibility and authority of your website, which can help to improve your search engine ranking.

Reach out to websites you have a relationship with and ask for a link

To effectively utilize your existing connections to build links to your website, it's important to reach out to websites you have a relationship with and ask for a link. Be sure to provide a compelling reason for why they should link to your website, and be respectful and professional in your request. By leveraging your existing connections, you can build links to your website and improve your search engine ranking.

6. Utilize directories and local listings

Submitting your website to online directories and local listings can help to improve your search engine ranking and drive traffic to your site.

Reach a targeted audience

Online directories and local listings are a great way to build links to your website because they allow you to reach a targeted audience. When you submit your website to online directories and local listings, you are able to reach people in your local area who are looking for a lawyer. This can help to drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine ranking.

Submit your website to relevant directories and listings

To effectively utilize online directories and local listings to build links to your website, it's important to submit your website to relevant directories and listings. Be sure to include accurate and up-to-date information about your law firm, and include relevant keywords to help improve your search engine ranking. By submitting your website to online directories and local listings, you can reach a targeted audience and build links to your site.

Building a Google My Business listing should be the first step in building an online presence for your law firm. In addition to providing important information about your business, Google My Business is also a great platform for collecting client reviews, which can help to improve your search engine ranking and attract new clients.

Finally, consider offering value in exchange for links. This could include things like offering discounts or free services in exchange for a link from another website.

Offer a discount or a free service in exchange for a link

Offering value in exchange for links can be an effective way to build links to your website because it allows you to offer something of value in return for a link. When you offer a discount or a free service in exchange for a link, you are able to build a relationship with another website and establish yourself as a valuable resource. This can help to improve your search engine ranking and drive traffic to your website.

Offer something of value that is relevant to the website's audience

To effectively use this strategy to build links to your website, it's important to find websites that are willing to link to your website in exchange for a discount or a free service. Be sure to offer something of value that is relevant to the website's audience, and be respectful and professional in your request. By offering value in exchange for links, you can build relationships and drive traffic to your website.

A more advanced strategy for building links to your website is broken link building. This involves finding websites that have broken links (links that lead to a webpage that no longer exists) and offering to replace those links with a link to your website.

Find websites with broken links and offer to replace those links with a link to your website

This can be an effective way to build links to your website because it allows you to provide value to the website by fixing a broken link and offering a useful resource in its place. When you fix a broken link for another website, you are able to establish a relationship and improve your credibility as a valuable resource. This can help to improve your search engine ranking and drive traffic to your website.

Offer to replace the broken link with a link to your website

To effectively use broken link building to build links to your website, it's important to find websites with broken links and offer to replace those links with a link to your website. You can use tools like Check My Links or Dead Link Checker to find broken links on other websites. Once you have found a broken link, you can reach out to the website owner and offer to replace the broken link with a link to your website. Be sure to provide a compelling reason for why they should link to your website, and be respectful and professional in your request. By using broken link building, you can build relationships and drive traffic to your website.

While buying links may seem like an easy way to build links to your website, it is generally not a good idea for several reasons.

Buying links goes against the guidelines set by search engines

First and foremost, buying links goes against the guidelines set by search engines like Bing and Google. Search engines like Bing and Google use algorithms to determine the ranking of a website, and one of the factors they consider is the quality and relevance of a website's links. When you buy links, you are essentially trying to manipulate the ranking of your website, which goes against the guidelines set by search engines. This can result in your website being penalized or even banned from search results, which can significantly harm your search engine ranking and your overall online presence.

Buying links can be a waste of money and resources

Additionally, buying links can be a waste of money and resources. When you buy links, you are essentially paying for something that may not actually improve your search engine ranking. This is because search engines like Google are constantly updating their algorithms, and the value of a link can change over time. This means that you could end up paying for links that are no longer valuable, and you may not see any improvement in your search engine ranking.

Instead of buying links, it is generally a better idea to focus on building high-quality, natural links

In conclusion, buying links is generally not a good idea for SEO because it goes against the guidelines set by search engines and can be a waste of money and resources. Instead of buying links, it is generally a better idea to focus on building high-quality, natural links to your website through strategies like creating high-quality content, participating in online communities, and offering value in exchange for links

Links you want to avoid building are SPAM links including but not limited to

  • Blog comment links

  • Blog networks

  • Widget and infographic embed

  • Websites with thin, little, or duplicate content

  • Paid for or bought links

  • Link exchanges

  • Low-quality press releases

  • Forum SPAM

Article Written By Chris Lancaster

Chris Lancaster is a seasoned digital marketing expert with a passion for helping law firms acquire and retain clients. He has been providing his expertise in this field since 2014, and he is committed to building long-term partnerships with the law firms he works with. In fact, he still works with his very first law firm client from 2014. On average, Chris has worked with law firms for an impressive 4.5 years. His portfolio of successful projects includes partnering with The Watt Law Firm, Rivera Law, LLC, Krupp Law Firm, and many others.


By implementing these strategies, you can effectively build links to and from your law firm's website and boost your search engine rankings. This can help to improve your online presence and attract potential clients.

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